Tax Questions?
Paying Your Taxes?
Office & Tax Appointment Information
Tax Questions?
Paying taxes has nothing to do with a person’s age. The requirement for filing tax returns primarily depends on a person’s income.The IRS’ answer to this question includes several easy-to-understand examples.
Individual states have their own criteria, but are also based on income.
The very general, too simply stated reason for paying taxes is to fund services we receive, or that are carried out on our behalf. Local property taxes help to pay for police and fire departments, schools, etc. State and federal taxes help to pay for roads, bridges, the military, education, health & human services, environmental protection, Congress, tax credits awarded to families or businesses, and so much more.
These two links, for A & E’s History Channel and Minute MBA from OnlineMBA, do a great job of taking the mystery out of why we pay taxes.
Most likely. Call (207) 582-1040.
Find general information on standard mileage rates:
For 2022
For 2021
For 2020 and prior years
Yes, we are accepting new clients. For more information, please refer to the FAQs page, under “Office & Tax Appointment Information?”.
Good question! The IRS has a list of FAQs and answers. You may also want to talk with a staff member to learn how the reporting may affect you. Even when there is no actual tax due, a tax return may be required.
- IRS issues, re: Starting a Business?
- Being Self-Employed?
- Small Business issues?
- What Can I Deduct?
- Filing Business Taxes?
- Doing Business in Maine?
- Maine Sales Tax?
- Payroll?
- The Small Business Administration is also a good resource.
- You came to the right place! The IRS has a customizable calendar for businesses and the self-employed.
- Maine Revenue Services also has a page that lists pertinent dates.
You may find the answer to your question in our FAQs – “Paying Your Taxes?” page.
That’s a good question. The IRS encourages doing a Paycheck Checkup part way through the year, and provides an online calculator.
Everyone should check their withholding
It’s important to revisit your tax withholding, especially if major changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act affected the size of your refund this year. Even if you did a Paycheck Checkup last year, you should do it again to account for differences from TCJA or life changes. A Paycheck Checkup can help you see if you’re withholding the right amount of tax from your paycheck. Too little could mean an unexpected tax bill or penalty.
Try the new (August 2019) Tax Withholding Estimator to do a Paycheck Checkup. See also IRS Tax Reform Tax Tip 2019-108.
BUSINESSES are also encouraged to do an assessment of their income tax situation throughout the year to determine whether their estimated tax payments are sufficient.
Did we prepare your tax return?
YES We can print, mail, fax or email a copy of the tax return to your bank, a college or somewhere else. Perhaps someone else will be picking up the tax return for you? Federal law requires us to obtain your specific, written consent prior to fulfilling your request. If the return is to be faxed or sent via email we’ll need the Hold Harmless Agreement signed as well.
NO You can request a copy from the IRS.
- Online request & receipt, or online request for mailed copy of return.
- Get Transcript FAQs
- Traditional, paper request, IRS Form 4506
Don’t panic. Call us at (207) 582-1040.
You and your neighbor may have different situations when it comes to income tax. Your neighbor may have more dependents, had more money withheld for income tax, has a deferred compensation plan (i.e., 401(k)/403(b)) at work, an IRA, a loss on an investment, more charitable deductions, medical bills, etc. Few tax situations or tax returns are exactly alike.
See the Tax Retention Guide for specifics on personal documents, business documents or documents related to other, special circumstances.
Yes. We prepare tax returns for all states requiring a return.
IRAs, in general, are a good way to save money for your retirement. However, what’s best for you depends on your lifestyle, expectations, retirement plan at work, deferred compensation account, savings, etc. You should discuss this issue with your Tax Professional.
To get a head start on the discussion, look at the Retirement tab in the Financial Calculators section of our web site, and look at these two links:
From the Energy Star web site:
Tax credits for residential energy efficiency have now expired.
The tax credit for builders of energy efficient homes and tax deductions for energy efficient commercial buildings have also expired.
The tax credits for residential renewable energy products are still available through December 31, 2021. Renewable energy tax credits for fuel cells, small wind turbines, and geothermal heat pumps now feature a gradual step down in the credit value, the same as those for solar energy systems.
While the tax credits for residential energy efficiency have expired, you can still save money and energy in your home by using ENERGY STAR certified products. Products that have earned the ENERGY STAR are independently certified to save energy, save money and protect the environment. Use up to 30% less energy in your home by outfitting with ENERGY STAR certified products available across more than 70 categories.
*Disclaimer: The tax credit information contained within this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for expert advice from a professional tax/financial planner or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
We encourage people to check the EnergyStar web site for updates. Tax credits are not available for EnergyStar appliances or CFL light bulbs. However, although not tax credits, EnergyStar Partners sometimes have special offers/rebates. When buying a new appliance, you may want to check the “Rebate Finder” first.
Maine residents! There may be other energy-related incentives available via Efficiency Maine.
- Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection web site includes information on recycling CFL bulbs, and the proper disposal of CFL bulbs.
Do you like having a new car every two or three years? Do you drive a great deal? Review the Automobile tab in the Financial Calculators section of our web site.
Thankfully, this is not a frequent question, but not uncommon, either. Scamming may well be the intent of a telephone caller. They often threaten the taxpayer with immediate arrest unless they pay, right away.
Some scammers send emails (“phishing”), trying to trick the recipient into disclosing their email usernames and passwords. The IRS writes, “The email is awkwardly worded. It reads: ‘We kindly request that you follow this link HERE and sign in with your email to view this information…’”
A general rule is to NEVER open a link or any attachment from a suspicious email.
The IRS, the State of Maine Attorney General’s Office, the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration all have warnings, advice and/or ways to report your experience:
- Here’s how the IRS contacts taxpayers, IRS Tax Tip 2018-111
- Here’s how taxpayers can protect themselves from scammers, IRS Tax Tip 2018-102
- Taxpayers should know the telltale signs of a scam, IRS Tax Tip 2018-86
- Taxpayers should stay alert because scammers don’t take a summer vacation, IRS Tax Tip 2018-85
- Common Consumer Scams – Keep These Tips in Mind, State of Maine’s Office of the Attorney General
- IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting, U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
- FTC Complaint Assistant, Federal Trade Commission
Paying Your Taxes
You won’t save taxes by delaying the filing of your tax return. Extending the filing of your tax return does not extend the date when payment is due. It’s better to file your return, and set up a payment arrangement, if necessary.
Yes, you can! But is it a good idea?We don’t necessarily recommend paying taxes by credit card because the credit card companies charge a convenience fee. And there are other options which may work for you.
See the IRS’ Payments page for more information on accepted methods of payment and associated links.
You can pay by check or money order, or you can make a Direct Debit Payment. You can connect to the IRS’ payment options page, or enroll at EFTPS ONLINE.
Maine Revenue Services doesn’t accept payment by credit card. They do, however, welcome payment by EFT (electronic funds transfer) from your bank account. Their EZ Pay system can be used to pay many types of taxes to the State of Maine.
Yes! It’s called IRS2Go!
Some states allow payment by credit card. Maine is not one of them.
Payments to the state of Maine can be made by check, or set up through their EZ Pay system. For other states, see the IRS Payments page, select the company with which you would like to do business, and click through to find “State Tax Payments.” This option may be listed under “Other Services.”
Don’t panic.
Both the IRS and Maine Revenue Services can set up payment plans. The IRS directs taxpayers to their article, “What if I can’t pay my taxes?”
If you cannot pay the full amount of taxes you owe
You should still file your return by the deadline and pay as much as you can to avoid penalties and interest. You also should contact the IRS to discuss your payment options at 1-800-829-1040. The agency may be able to provide some relief such as a short-term extension to pay, an installment agreement or an offer in compromise, or by temporarily delaying collection by reporting your account as currently not collectible until you are able to pay. In some cases, the agency may be able to waive penalties. However, the agency is unable to waive interest charges which accrue on unpaid tax bills. For more information, see The Collection Process and Tax Payment Options. See the Form 1040 instructions on the About Form 1040 page for additional guidance on filing and paying your taxes.
“What Ifs” for Struggling Taxpayers
There is advice on Maine Revenue Services’ FAQs page, too.
If you are requesting an installment agreement to pay taxes to the state of Maine, you’ll need to contact the Compliance Division at Maine Revenue Services after filing your Maine return. Their direct telephone number is (800) 987-7735. Neither the IRS or the state is required to approve the installment agreement application. The taxing agency will contact you; they may need for information to determine whether they’ll grant your request.
Office & Tax Appointment Information
Yes! Call (207) 582-1040 for an appointment, or send an email to
Our clients come from almost every county in Maine, and from several states. Quite a few ‘snowbirds’ forward their forms to us to prepare their returns during the regular tax season. Others have us file an extension, and prepare their taxes when they return to Maine.
Are you accepting new clients?
Our office is on Bridge Street in Gardiner (Route 201) adjacent to Cobbossee Stream, just six miles from Augusta, and a little over ten miles from Richmond.
We are across from the entrance to the Gardiner Hannaford and Dunkin’ Donuts, and near the A-1 Diner.
Our building is white with green awnings. Come visit!
This is a good question! You should bring all tax-related documents provided by your employer(s), pension provider and/or social security administration, bank, credit union, stock broker, mortgage holder, childcare provider, etc. These would include the W-2, 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, 1099-R, Social Security statement, 1098-M, property tax bill, vehicle registration forms showing excise tax, record of charitable contributions, etc.
If you own rental property, a small business or a farm, bring records of income and expenses.
For a more complete list, please review our Tax Appointment Checklist and Questionnaire for the 2020 / 2021 Tax Season.
Another good question! We generally schedule one hour for the initial interview.
In most cases, you will have a good idea of your income tax situation before you leave the office. Sometimes, however, we need more information from you before we can complete the tax return. Once your preparer has completed their work, your tax return will pass through our quality assurance review. We’ll contact you when the returns are ready for your signature (and electronic filing, if that’s what you desire).
What are your office hours?
Tax season*:
Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM
Saturday, 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Sunday – Closed
Last day of “tax season” for Maine residents filing a 2020 tax return, is April 15, 2021, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Late Spring/Summer:
Monday – Thursday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Closed the week of July 4th
Other arrangements can be made if the regularly available appointment times do not match your schedule.
*typically the third week in January through April 15th
We are frequently asked, “How much will it cost to have you prepare my tax return(s)?” Almost always, the answer is, “It depends.”
Every tax return is different, so our fee will depend on the individual income tax situation. Fees can range from $250 to well over $1,000 for the most complex returns. Our rates are very competitive with national tax firms and are lower than most CPAs. They are based on a combination of a per form fee and time — and are in direct relation to the complexity of each client’s tax return.
More important, taxpayers might want to focus on the ability and thoroughness of the tax professional, to be sure the lowest possible tax is paid.
We are happy to address this issue on an individual basis.
Something else? If we haven’t answered your question, please either call us at (207) 582-1040 / toll-free at (800) 244-TAXX (ME & FL), or submit your question via the form at right.
There are many articles listed on this website under “Jack Skehan & Associates’ Latest News”, as well as on our Facebook page.