Tax Questions?

Paying taxes has nothing to do with a person’s age. The requirement for filing tax returns primarily depends on a person’s income.The IRS’ answer to this question includes several easy-to-understand examples.

Individual states have their own criteria, but are also based on income.

The very general, too simply stated reason for paying taxes is to fund services we receive, or that are carried out on our behalf. Local property taxes help to pay for police and fire departments, schools, etc. State and federal taxes help to pay for roads, bridges, the military, education, health & human services, environmental protection, Congress, tax credits awarded to families or businesses, and so much more.

These two links, for A & E’s History Channel and Minute MBA from OnlineMBA, do a great job of taking the mystery out of why we pay taxes.

Find general information on standard mileage rates:
For Standard mileage rates | Internal Revenue Service

Yes, we are accepting new clients, on a limited basis. For more information, please refer to the FAQs page, under “Office & Tax Appointment Information?”.

Yes, it’s true. There are credits for homeowners and for builders, but not all windows, doors, heating systems, pellet stoves, heat pumps, etc. are eligible for the credit. Also, not all EnergyStar labelled products qualify for the credit. There are limits to the amount of credit per item, an overall dollar limit, and parameters regarding a taxpayer’ income. See the IRS  Guidelines for Home Energy Tax Credits, including the Energy Efficient Home improvement CreditResidential Clean Energy Credit and/or the Builders of new energy efficient homes.

Clean Vehicle Credits differ, depending on several factors. We suggest visiting the applicable pages on the IRS website to research the credits available for the vehicle you are considering, before you buy.

Good question! The IRS has a list of FAQs and answers. You may also want to talk with a staff member to learn how the reporting may affect you. Even when there is no actual tax due, a tax return may be required.

There are many aspects to starting a new business, such as choosing the right type of business entity, what qualifies as income, what expenses are deductible, employees, self-employment tax, and many other issues, that are better suited to an in-person meeting.

  • You came to the right place!  The IRS has a customizable calendar for businesses and the self-employed.
  • Maine Revenue Services also has a page that lists pertinent dates.


You and your neighbor may have different situations when it comes to income tax. Your neighbor may have more dependents, had more money withheld for income tax, has a deferred compensation plan (i.e., 401(k)/403(b)) at work, an IRA, a loss on an investment, more charitable deductions, medical bills, etc. Few tax situations or tax returns are exactly alike.

Thankfully, this is not a frequent question, but not uncommon, either.  Scamming may well be the intent of a telephone caller.  They often threaten the taxpayer with immediate arrest unless they pay, right away.

Some scammers send emails (“phishing”), trying to trick the recipient into disclosing their email usernames and passwords.  The IRS writes, “The email is awkwardly worded. It reads: ‘We kindly request that you follow this link HERE and sign in with your email to view this information…’”

A general rule is to NEVER open a link or any attachment from a suspicious email.

The IRS, the State of Maine Attorney General’s Office, the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration all have warnings, advice and/or ways to report your experience:

Most likely. Call (207) 582-1040.